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Updated interior renderings with finishes.

See Design Documents.



Foundation permit issued, and excavation work has begun.



Contact Community Center Building Committee, or

Matthew Bachtold, Library Director,  508-529-6272.


Project Description:

The Upton Community Center is a new facility of 15,132 square feet to house the Upton Town Library and the Council on Aging, at an estimated project cost of $12.4 million.

Located at 9 Milford Street, the facility includes a redesigned playground and shared parking with the adjacent VFW.


Approved by Upton Voters:

Town Meeting  5/8/2021

Town Election  5/11/2021

Back filling South Side

Feb 8, 2022

The foundation concrete is poured, except for the entry ramp on the north side.

This area will be dug out and poured over the next week, and an earth ramp will be put over the east wall for equipment to enter.


Truck loads of suitable fill are being brought in to backfill the south end of the building.

It is being compacted and prepared for utility pipes and eventually the concrete floor slab.


2022.02.08 Fill compacting

Feb 8, spreading and compacting fill in the south end.

2022.02.08 Fill delivery

Feb 8, pile of fill delivered by truck and ready to spread

2022.02.02 Northeast foundations

Feb 2, preparing forms for the north east corner.

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