Upton Town Library
Community Center Construction
A new facility funded by the Town of Upton, located at 9 Milford Street
Library Open
starting May 2nd
9 Milford Street
Tues, Weds, Thurs 9am - 8pm
Fri, Sat 9am-4pm

Target Date for Opening: May 1, 2023
Exterior finishes complete, Sidewalks and patios installed.
Contact Community Center Building Committee, or
Matthew Bachtold, Library Director, 508-529-6272.
Project Description:
The Upton Community Center is a new facility of 15,132 square feet to house the Upton Town Library and the Council on Aging, at an estimated project cost of $12.4 million.
Located at 9 Milford Street, the facility includes a redesigned playground and shared parking with the adjacent VFW.
Approved by Upton Voters:
Town Meeting 5/8/2021
Town Election 5/11/2021
Interior Ceilings
Jan 9, 2023
Work continues on the interior of the building.
Drywall is all taped with the the first coats of paint going on.
Ceilings are being installed, and interior door frames are being delivered.

Jan 5, Acoustic tectum ceiling tiles being installed over the main library area.

Dec 15, Window installation on the west side, looking across Center Brook at Holy Angels church. Counter seating will be installed over those heating elements for casual sitting and work space looking out the windows.

Jan 5, Kitchen ready for flooring. The ceiling grid is above with the oven / range hood in the back. The walls are FRP (Fiber reinforced paneling) for fire protection and easy cleaning.