Upton Town Library
Community Center Construction
A new facility funded by the Town of Upton, located at 9 Milford Street
Library Open
starting May 2nd
9 Milford Street
Tues, Weds, Thurs 9am - 8pm
Fri, Sat 9am-4pm

Target Date for Opening: March / April 2023
Exterior finishes complete, Sidewalks and patios installed.
Contact Community Center Building Committee, or
Matthew Bachtold, Library Director, 508-529-6272.
Project Description:
The Upton Community Center is a new facility of 15,132 square feet to house the Upton Town Library and the Council on Aging, at an estimated project cost of $12.4 million.
Located at 9 Milford Street, the facility includes a redesigned playground and shared parking with the adjacent VFW.
Approved by Upton Voters:
Town Meeting 5/8/2021
Town Election 5/11/2021
Paving Binder Coat
Nov 26, 2022
Just after Thanksgiving, the first layer of paving was applied to the parking lot.
This step includes patching the parking lot on the VFW land, and the bottom binder coat of asphalt on the municipal land.
Finishing the parking lot with the top coat, seal-coating and striping will be completed in the spring of 2023.
The north west service area has not yet been paved because water, sewer and gas connections need to be installed first.
Inside the building, the drywall is being taped prior to painting. Tile is being installed in the bathrooms, and some areas of ceiling are being hung.

Nov 26, binder coat of paving, and the building front. Parking lot light poles also visible.

Nov 26, South side of the parking lot and some of the playground. The black poles are the fencing around the playground.

Nov 26, Single occupancy family restroom located in the children's area.

Nov 26, East wall of the circulation spine seen from the library stacks area. Light monitor is above and directly ahead is the main library entrance and circulation desk.

Nov 26, Greatroom at the north end of the building. Windows look out to route 140 / Milford St.

Nov 26, Classroom at the south end of the building, windows look out on the playground, and will have a bench seat below.